Thursday, November 05, 2009

Tweet digest

  • 05:51 @pinglo snap. #
  • 06:04 About to seek out coffee ahead of #media140. #
  • 08:05 Just noticed there's an ABC sticker over the Mac logo at #media140. Now that's branding. :) #
  • 08:16 @latikambourke There is! #
  • 08:26 ABC MD @leighsales 'worst puns known to mankind' #media140 #
  • 08:28 I just got mentioned by @leighsales! I've arrived, people. #media140 #
  • 08:31 @abcmarkscott says the biggest news stories always arrive in 140 chars or less. #media140 #
  • 08:33 @abcmarkscott: the audience is always going to be closer to the story when news breaks #media140 #
  • 08:36 @abcmarkscott is now namechecking @hornery and @tabloidterror! #media140 #
  • 08:41 RT @pinglo: Piccie of ABC Social Media standards #media140 #
  • 08:43 Just got the #failwhale on the #media140 twitter search #
  • 08:46 @abcmarkscott: abc will put 50 people into reg areas to train people to create content. <- tree change anyone? #media140 #
  • 08:53 @tabloidterror oops. keystroke error. no pun intended. #
  • 09:01 #media140 moving up the trending topics! #
  • 09:09 @wolfcat ...and your 'to' is too short. :) #
  • 09:27 @pinglo I know. I got the #failwhale again. What's the deal? #
  • 10:49 @riy: #iranelection: (information-noise) + context = accurate reporting #media140 #
  • 11:33 @turnbullmalcolm says he does more responding via email than twitter. #media140 #
  • 11:34 @TurnbullMalcolm says he keeps it more for talking about politics than personal stuff (eg random foot injuries) #
  • 11:37 @TurnbullMalcolm: everyone in an MP's electorate is a constituent, even if they're a journalist. Journalists have rights too! :) #
  • 12:06 RT @rosieryan: powerpoint tips from the opposition leader! never realised i would learn so much at #media140 <- his tip was 'don't use it' #
  • 12:08 RT @PhilWillis: Does no-one in the audience have a shoe worth throwing at @turnbullMalcolm ? #media140 <- can't we tweet one at him? #
  • 13:51 Does anyone have a good pic of @turnbullmalcolm that @abcnews can use on a story I'm writing? Thanks! #media140 #
  • 13:53 @media140 Awesome. Thank you. #
  • 13:55 @comms_consult Ha! That's great. Was looking for something from #media140 though. #
  • 13:55 @benjaminsolah I think someone may have tweeted a shoe at him. #
  • 13:59 @media140 no mad rush, we'll go with a filer until we get the ones taken today. #
  • 14:21 More thoughts on that Rudd & Julie & Julia #media140 #
  • 14:24 I never tweet alone, Turnbull confesses (@abcnews) Attn @turnbullmalcolm @shoes_off @barrysaunders #media140 #
  • 14:42 In defence of @CUhlmann, he broke the Godwin Grech story on @abcnews (News Online) #media140 #
  • 14:50 Remember to make sure questions to @leighsales are questions, not statements #media140 #
  • 15:08 RT @TurnbullMalcolm: if a tweet is not written or specifically okayed by me, the assistant twitterer will initial it - eg "TT for MT" #
  • 15:10 @comms_consult I agree with that. Just pointing out that @CUhlmann may not be that much of a dinosaur! #
  • 20:44 Rockin' out to the goodbye horses (they rock, i nod... Vaguely) #
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