Saturday, November 07, 2009

Tweet digest

  • 09:27 Looks like @abcnews was the only mainstream media to cover #media140. Judging from Google News anyway: #
  • 09:31 RT @earleyedition: RT @hollingsworth: Great #media140 photo summary with speaker profiles by @neerav [Flickr] #
  • 10:06 Hello #lazyweb. What font is that in the Whitlam 'It's time' slogan: #
  • 14:11 RT @jayrosen_nyu: "If you don't have a democratic heart, you don't belong in journalism in the first place." <- go @rosieryan! :) #
  • 14:18 @stephenconroy It's just the vibe. :) #
  • 15:49 @rosieryan Don't worry. You'll have heaps more once I finish this webcomic. :) #
  • 15:51 RT @rosieryan: spent an inordinate amount of time today doing up a blog about what i got out of #media140 #
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