- 06:22 My quirky little story about Farbs' video game resignation has made it into @abcnews Most Popular! digg.com/u1247F #
- 06:23 @DarrylMason Yeah, some, but I'm hoping to rework them into the story (just not at the start) #
- 06:23 @DarrylMason PS I'm not hammering it, just pottering away really (I try and get 20 minutes writing, minimum, a day -- every day) #
- 07:05 Sumptuous gallery of Penguin sf covers bit.ly/D865t (via @abcarticulate & @boingboing & @warrenellis) #
- 07:50 RT @joeljohnson: "Videogames should be *more* violent, not less." bit.ly/7RDpy #
- 09:01 @rinosphere AND USAToday! digg.com/u124Xz #
- 10:24 RT @earleyedition: RT @aramadge "If I get a murder today that wld be the best present ever" overheardinthenewsroom.com #
- 11:01 RT @laughingsquid: Looking for a real life costumed superhero? The World Superhero Registry can help you find them bit.ly/4exG0 #
- 11:07 Farbs' video game resignation now 5th in most popular. Come on! digg.com/u1247F #
- 11:40 RT @fantasymagazine: RT @TwilightBlood The Book of Blood goes to SciFi is.gd/vudY #horror #
- 12:18 RT @fishfugu: Sydney feature film #deaddownunder" Looking for people to play #zombies. Weekend 9/10 May - jason@deaddownunder.com #
- 12:26 @benbarberhays I thought it was Greg Norman. #
- 12:39 @DarrylMason I was writing for a couple of hours, or maybe 3, last night. In 20 mins I can get about a page (250 words) done. Rough. #
- 12:42 RT @abcshallowend: Beyonce send body double to art museum tour bit.ly/UxmlR #
- 12:43 @rj_anderson Consider yourself lucky - they got a whole plot-line off me. :) #
- 12:44 @rj_anderson Same deal with me. 'Oh, you got that off Lost', even tho I wrote the story before Lost started screening. #
- 12:47 @rj_anderson Yes. So, are you going to change the name? #
- 12:52 RT @innfusor: The True Origin of Superman. ow.ly/4tPU Wow. All I can say. Wow. (via @INNFUSION) #
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Tweet digest
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Tweet digest
- 08:57 RT @abcnews: Opinion: Should arts funding be the first thing to go when times get tough? Have your say: bit.ly/F0QJV #
- 09:01 @gary_kemble ha ha. #
- 10:32 @rosieryan I remembered the url for that chatroom thingie: tinychat.com/ #
- 10:35 @OzAlleyCat It'll be ok. There's room for more than one Beersheba book in this world. #
- 10:37 @CristenTilley To be fair, the 'before' shot looks like it has been Photoshopped ('Wrinkle' filter +10, 'Sag' filter +05) #
- 11:07 Dead Rising 2: digg.com/u120GF #
- 11:28 @OzAlleyCat Worst case scenario: rewrite it with ZOMBIES! That'd be kinda cool. :) #
- 11:28 RT @abcnews: What do you think about research showing most new #twitter users abandon it after a month? Have your say: bit.ly/xSzjV #
- 14:56 @melbsmudges You're on a roll. Can you ask them if they'll take a look at my horror ms pitch? ;) #
- 15:19 RT @abcnews: Indie game developer Farbs has quit his job via video game bit.ly/9J7oh #
- 20:25 Almost 10k done on new novel. Only 80k or so to go! #
- 20:29 And on the short story front, just slashed 2.5k out of 5.3k story, on advice from mentor. You have no idea how good that feels! #
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Tweet digest
- 06:27 @dgalea Yes, and I guess lots of it is the same stuff, written slightly differently. #
- 07:08 RT @abcnews: Readers may want cheaper books, but is it worth sacrificing Australia's literary culture? Have your say: bit.ly/13oMU4 #
- 07:11 @JohnBirmingham I love those rare, peaceful moments. You don't appreciate them when you're single and kid-free (then it's just 'boring') #
- 07:12 @Templesmith That's interesting. I didn't realise comics were treated differently to books. #
- 07:15 @JohnBirmingham Hope you got to finish your cuppa, at least. :) #
- 07:50 @Templesmith We could get rid of all those annoying US-isms tho. "My spidey sense is tingling" = "Jeez mate, I'm feelin a bit crook" :) #
- 08:07 RT @geointlinc: How the swineflu spreads... i40.tinypic.com/28mion8.jpg #swineflu #
- 08:51 Uh oh. @mexicanswineflu is following me. I'm a goner. #
- 09:19 RT @booksquare: RT @macslocum: twitpic.com/44l13 - WSJ character limit fail ... (k2: there's a lesson to be learned here!) #
- 10:45 Hilarious anti-piracy ad (saw it at the end of 30Rock disc): digg.com/d1IsqJ #
- 10:51 RT @abcnews: Hearing reports that Sydney's CBD has been hit by another power outage. #sydney #blackout #
- 12:20 Is it time to panic about #swine flu / #zombieapocalypse etc? Find out there: digg.com/u11vRI (via @johnbirmingham) #
- 12:44 RT @abcnews: The ABC's national medical reporter Sophie Scott with tips on avoiding #swineflu: bit.ly/CsZhx #
- 13:12 Read my short story "All You Need Is Love" on Google Books: digg.com/u11vdn #
Monday, April 27, 2009
Tweet digest
- 08:41 RT @abcnews: Steven Penning (Turner Freeman Lawyers) says employees/employers need to work together on social media bit.ly/v7yr8 #
- 10:21 Cautionary tale on auto-generated Twitter includes: digg.com/u11qTS #
- 10:22 RT @clembastow: Definition of grim economic climate: job search helper says they're closing, might be joining you in the dole queue. #
- 10:38 RT @abcnews: Check out this interactive map of swine flu incidents: bit.ly/MxWjA #
- 11:22 "If there is a special hell for writers, it would be in the forced contemplation of their own works." JD Passos (@Tara_Moss @Quotes4Writers) #
- 12:07 Unusual phobias: food digg.com/u11qhv (for @Templesmith) #
- 12:10 @earleyedition Also, do they mean if their equipment is in use? Or your phone? One for the tin-foil hat brigade, methinks. #
- 13:29 RT @KingLeonard @bartman6 @jg_rate @ErikVeland Font geek joke: Comic Sans walks into a bar. Bartender: We don't serve your type here! #
- 13:29 The world needs more typographical humour. #
- 14:05 Iced Vo-Vos, how Arnotts used to make them: digg.com/u11r1A #
- 14:22 RT @wolfcat: congrats to @abcnews for getting over 10,000 followers well done.... #
- 14:53 David Gaider wrote 900,000 words for Dragon Age: Origins. Makes my 90k ms quest seem rather puny. :) digg.com/u11r9O #
Friday, April 24, 2009
Tweet digest
- 09:31 here before @oprah tshirt: digg.com/u11f1m #
- 10:12 RT @JIMWICh: bit.ly/iGrEx - Amazing video short by Stink Digital: "Carousel" It's a frozen moment of cops vs. clowns in a hospit ... #
- 10:42 @BernardKeane And an international Talk Like Michael Caine Day. #
- 10:46 RT @abcarticulate: Tell us your favourite first line of a novel at bit.ly/13uICh #
- 10:46 RT @abcarticulate: Has anyone tried Book Army? bit.ly/piPJC If so, what do you think? #
- 11:46 @CristenTilley @KingLeonard Tim Tams. A packet of which I have in my bag for the aborted 'bring a plate'. You heard it first here. #
- 12:05 RT @stinginthetail: best line ever "Sadly there was no note was attached to the shark." RT @abcnews bit.ly/i0cyf #
- 12:17 @CristenTilley @KingLeonard Yes, ladies plate. In a nod to the Beastie Boys awesomeness: 'Hey laaadiiieeeees' #
- 13:47 RT @mumbrella: RT @anotheradwanker: Most. Intense. Website. Intro. Ever. www.iccm-1.org/ [My eyeballs are bleeding] #
- 14:33 RT @abcarticulate: Fran de Groen (co-editor Serious Frolic, UQP) offers her thoughts on Australian humour bit.ly/9l1on (via @abcnews) #
- 15:10 RT @LostZombies: For those asking what MFZAR means, this shirt explains it all bit.ly/GW3mo #
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Tweet digest
- 06:06 snuggie pwnage ftw is.gd/hhGX #
- 07:05 RT @BreakfastNews Doing an interview with a guest in South Africa via Skype in 5 minutes . First time we've done it. Fingers crossed. #
- 07:09 @icestorm77 Can you cut back to 70-char reviews. I'm *really* busy. :) #
- 07:11 @gaytravelguys Thanks! Yes, it's really nice, except when it gets stinking hot in summer. #
- 08:19 RT @BernardKeane: @andrewlitvak When there's no more room in Forward Estimates, the debt will walk the earth. #
- 08:45 @JohnBirmingham it's the *other* other white meat. #
- 10:19 @Templesmith Sounds like an NYPD Blue spinoff: SIPOWICZ #
- 10:20 RT @LEIGHSALES: My first copy of my new book 'On Doubt' arrived in the mail! It's very exciting when you get one to hold in your hands. #
- 12:03 RT @abcarticulate: Eye candy: Grace, by Jason Thielke bit.ly/7MaPE #
- 12:18 RT @crinklequirk: RT @esoterismo: ♥ "Creativity involves breaking out of established patterns in order to look at things in a different ... #
- 13:21 RT @Glebe2037: #012 from Easter Show 2009 ... is another carnival ride shot = www.flickr.com/photos/glebe2037/3467540918/ #
- 19:36 @JohnBirmingham You need to get some sort of iPhone tweeter thingie, then you could tweet live from the dinner party. #
- 20:24 here before @oprah? brag about it with this tshirt: is.gd/u3zR #
- 20:38 and then there's the here before @oprah mug is.gd/u3Go #
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Tweet digest
- 08:36 @kathrynlinge @howlingeverett Thanks for the Outlook tips. I'll give it a go. #
- 08:37 Exciting news. Fired up L4D for a quick session last night and the DLC had arrived! Had a quick go at survival mode. #
- 09:00 RT @abcarticulate: Sydney Law School to host exhibition of art by Long Bay jail inmates. Check out some of the art here: bit.ly/um7Ge #
- 10:45 RT @stephenconroy: RT @alex4point0: Fucken' A: cursebird.com/ live feed of people swearing on twitter. #
- 11:58 @overingtonc Just a flat 4 million of yours, hey? :) #
- 12:00 @612brisbane I believe I may have purchased Midnight Oil's Blue Sky Mining when I was 16. It's still in my collection. #
- 13:27 @rosieryan You go girl! #
- 13:29 World record cricket attempt at base of Everest, by @nic_macbean is.gd/tNti #
- 13:54 @kathrynlinge Tell me about it. I'm learning about container ships at the moment. You? #
- 13:55 @JohnBirmingham Sparta with emoticons. :D #
- 14:10 @kathrynlinge Riiiight. I think I'll keep my container ships. :) #
- 14:15 RT @firstdogonmoon: First Dog On The Moon is free in today's Crikey. Yes it is. bit.ly/UUgf5 #
- 14:16 @benharkin @websinthe @JohnBirmingham - you mean sequel to the sequel. Here's the sequel is.gd/tNQo #
- 14:19 @websinthe @benharkin Yes! An 'origins' story! They're big at the moment. #
- 14:33 @benharkin @websinthe Can we get Joss Whedon on board for some kinda Buffy crossover... hmm... maybe not digg.com/u11WQd #
- 14:35 @websinthe @benharkin Tasmanian Lesbian Vampire Fiasco: The Beginnings #
- 14:43 RT @stilgherrian: "Australia's top 100 Journalists and news media people on Twitter" is.gd/tNKc Hat-tip @earleyedition. #
- 14:55 @websinthe @benharkin @mpurse @thatguyben It's not a tumour! #
- 15:22 RT @jendudley: Real Conroy confirms that Optus will participate in net filtering trial. --URGH! This means even worse server lag on L4D? #
- 15:26 @jendudley Did you see 'we didn't start the flame war'? v funny digg.com/d1otIt #
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Tweet digest
- 09:19 RT @612brisbane: The Evan Tremley hoax is making its way around Qld today. It's not true. is.gd/tyzw #
- 09:23 @abcarticulate (is.gd/tyAP) needs a new slogan, because 'Daily take on arts news and events' doesn't really sum it up. Ideas? Pls RT #
- 09:41 I think this is the dumbest 'as seen on TV' product I've ever seen. Yes, that's a big call. is.gd/tyIu #
- 09:47 Awesome headline: 'I can see clearly now the leech has gone' is.gd/tyKX #
- 09:48 @michaelmeloni Yes, the pedegg is truly disgusting. Parmesan cheese, anyone? #
- 09:56 @Bosun_McShiny I know. It's doing my head in. I feel like Colonel Kurtz talking about snails trying to climb razor blades. Kill em all etc #
- 10:00 @Bosun_McShiny Yes! All hail our leader, Mr Snuggie! #
- 10:07 Salivating at the prospect of L4D DLC is.gd/tyUw (Yes, I know, it's like something @gary_kemble would say) #
- 13:03 RT @abcarticulate: RT @RadioNational: The Bookshow 10am Wed Zombies! Carrie Ryan & her novel of the un-dead - The Forest of Hands and Teeth. #
- 13:20 RT @LostZombies: Calling all writers and artists, we want your zombie stories and drawings for our Zombie Scrap Book. www.lostzombies.c ... #
- 13:42 @vautrin Oh dear. I once saw a TV version of Pump Up the Volume where all the swear words in Above the Law's 'Freedom of Speech' were muted! #
- 14:16 RT @LostZombies: 3 Brand New Objectives for the LostZombies Scrap Book: bit.ly/fGg68 bit.ly/7Zr8P bit.ly/12Vt7B #
- 14:42 @edwardharran The thing is, a lot of people will try it out, then get bored and move on. Same happened/is happening with blogs. #
- 20:08 Cranked out another 1k on my 'monster' novel. Only another 88k to go. Woo. Hoo. #
- 20:38 Laptop died. Hard drive is now in external HD case (usb). What's best way to access Outlook emails via MacBook? #lazyweb #
- 20:39 I was thinking I could use Boot Camp to install XP on my MacBook, then access Outlook files on the external HD? #
- 20:39 I've tried just looking through the folders on the external HD but I can't open/access the Outlook folders. Any other ideas? #
Monday, April 20, 2009
Tweet digest
- 08:40 RT @abcnews: Opinion: Alain de Botton says our working lives are invisible because the work is not represented in art. bit.ly/OCmm1 #
- 10:08 @clembastow Raelly? #
- 10:15 I love the 'low importance' button on MS Outlook. Why bother sending the email? :D #
- 10:16 RT @renailemay: RT @GameSpot_AU NEWS: R18+ video game debate to be opened to Australian public bit.ly/mshKj #
- 11:39 Games as journalism? is.gd/tmt8 #
- 12:02 RT @zaibatsu: Intriguing and Bizarre Art of Bubbles in Photography and Nature bit.ly/1alHrH #
- 12:08 @Frauenfelder I *hate* it when coyotes get to my chickens. :) #
- 12:09 @Krasnostein It's on the wall, by the kitchen. #
- 12:36 @garykemble was here before @oprah herebeforeoprah.com #herebeforeoprah #
- 13:01 @garykemble vs @oprah COME ON!! is.gd/tn9m #
- 13:07 @Krasnostein Good luck. #
- 13:13 RT @CristenTilley: Telstra's social media disclaimer uses 100 characters. Try a handy acronym TVEITPAMOADNNRTVOT @nic_macbean's story #
- 13:40 RT @abcarticulate: Fiction in 10 Tweets (digest). What do you think? bit.ly/LPk0Q #
- 13:49 @garykemble was here before @aplusk www.herebeforeaplusk.com #herebeforeaplusk #
- 13:59 @Krasnostein :( #
- 14:00 RT @Templesmith: Some punching & kicking going on at a nearby gate. #
- 14:01 @Templesmith Tell me when the tasering starts. #
- 15:09 RT @CristenTilley: @nic_macbean Most read @abcnews story today? Telstra cracks down on Twitter, Facebook mischief tinyurl.com/c5xc3t #
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Tweet digest
- 20:24 @JohnBirmingham Kind of like a serious version of the monsters in Where The Wild Things Are. #
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Tweet digest
- 08:31 RT @abcarticulate: Eye candy: Ash vs zombie Wolverine is.gd/t28F (via @NerdswithSwag) #
- 21:00 Just wrote 1,020 words on my new novel, which is about MONSTERS!!!! (Not zombies) (Or vampires) (Or werewolves) (Or tantrumming toddlers) #
Friday, April 17, 2009
Tweet digest
- 08:29 @DarrylMason I wish I could let go to that extent. #
- 08:38 RT @abcarticulate: Movie Minutiae: Watchmen. Read the graphic novel and seen the movie? We'd love to hear your thoughts bit.ly/2Wzl46 #
- 09:07 RT @gary_kemble: RT @NerdswithSwag: Marvel Comics "Zombies" Art Work FTW: ow.ly/333R #
- 09:27 Humanoid robots on the battlefield by 2025. is.gd/sQAS #
- 09:46 @raevan Yep, I've banned myself from late sessions. #
- 10:04 Most bizarre synopsis ever? "Spider-Ham travels through the multiverse ending up in the Marvel Zombies universe where he becomes a zombie." #
- 10:05 How about: "The Fantastic Four are teleported by King Solomon's Frogs to the MZ universe where they encounter zombies on a Skrull planet." #
- 12:08 Nerd merit badges. I've achieved 01 and 03. Need jacket to sew badges on, tho. is.gd/h3av #
- 12:48 @rosieryan Make sure to let me know if he says 'bodacious' a lot now. :) #
- 13:19 @mpesce You forget about the secret tracking implant. (Whoops, wasn't meant to mention that) #
- 14:35 @KingLeonard Who? Me? Sure it's not @gary_kemble? He's the zombie fanatic. I just have a healthy interest. :) #
- 14:45 2009, in video games (ie, events in video games that take place in 2009) is.gd/sSVH #
- 15:01 @KingLeonard Or.... scary. I think it's because I wrote this piece about fake tweeters: is.gd/sT4i #
- 15:10 RT @escapisam: Sit and refresh @aplusk's twitter page and watch his followers go up. Should be 1 million within next hour. #
- 15:17 RT @escapisam: RT: @kaynerichens: follow the race here, in close to real time: bit.ly/1iuF #
- 20:29 @JohnBirmingham iPhone Twitter app that tells you where your friends/followers are, on a map, in proximity to you. #
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Tweet digest
- 10:21 @abcarticulate wants to know if new tech is creating new (and improved) plot devices, to make up for the ones it's trashed is.gd/sEE9 #
- 10:22 @Templesmith And that was *before* you read about the man biting the monster snake is.gd/sEEP #
- 10:33 @twitter is this part of twitter's monetisation strategy? #
- 10:40 @Templesmith. What did you think of Watchmen, in terms of graphic novel adaptations go? #
- 10:59 RT @abcnews: Breaking news: PM's office says 'serious incident' on boat carrying asylum seekers to Christmas Island. #
- 11:02 @Templesmith Me neither. I liked the movie tho. #
- 11:04 RT @abcnews: Several people dead, more missing after 'serious incident' on boat carrying asylum seekers tinyurl.com/ccch5r #
- 12:39 @kathrynlinge we were discussing that in the office today -- apparently it goes by postcode? #
- 12:56 @kathrynlinge Ahhh, how does the electronic thing work then? Maybe I've already got mine!! #
- 12:56 RT @abcarticulate: Miles Franklin Literary Award shortlist: bit.ly/Mlmgg #
- 13:07 @michaelmeloni Yep, I agree. (about author websites) #
- 13:27 The problem with writing is that you have total control over every aspect of every situation you're writing about. That's also why it's cool #
- 13:34 RT @barrysaunders: 4chan haxx0rs time.com for the lulz tinyurl.com/cn9gk5 ht@howthebodyworks #
- 13:42 @JohnBirmingham I think it's because you sell too many books. :) #
- 13:46 RT @abcnews: Student beats Tax Office in landmark case, exclusive by @nic_macbean bit.ly/22Dl2 #
- 14:21 Science fiction props, including the Voight-Kampff manual! is.gd/sGGB #
- 14:50 RT @fictillius: Caller: "I'm lost in the bush" Operator: "I need a fixed address for the emergency response" #stupidstaff is.gd/sGj5 #
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Tweet digest
- 08:48 RT @abcnews: Opinion: Australia has a long way to go to meet its UN obligations on Indigenous rights. What do you think? bit.ly/uOsZb #
- 08:50 RT @abcarticulate: What's the most interesting bit of trivia you've heard about the Watchmen adaptation? #
- 11:58 Looking for Australian aviation industry expert to write op-ed for @abcnews about Qantas job cuts. 'Where to now', kinda thing. Pls RT #
- 12:03 @Bosun_McShiny You could try making yourself two-thirds of a cup of tea? #
- 15:01 RT @abcarticulate: 'Embarrassing and ham-fisted'... Articulate weighs into the #amazonfail scandal. is.gd/siC6 #
- 15:10 My zombie short 'Dead Air' mentioned in this review on Horrorscope... 'big, fun, Hollywood-style zombie flick in prose' is.gd/siGQ #
'Dead Air': out now in ADFaH3

As usual, Brimstone Press has done an excellent job, and I'm not just saying that because Angela chose to reprint one of my stories!
In fact, it's a great reminder of some of the excellent tales I read while judging the Australian Shadows Award in 2007.
The following tales jump out at me when I scan the table of contents: Rick Kennett's creepy ghost story "The Dark and What it Said"; Matthew Chrulew's dystopic love story "Between the Memories"; Jason Nahrung's "Kadimakara and Curlew" and David Conyer's "Subtle Invasion".
A heap of great, if somewhat disturbing, memories there.
Meanwhile, Chuck McKenzie has given me a mention in his review of ADFaH3, over at HorrorScope...
Gary Kemble’s ‘Dead Air’ ... was really just a big, fun, Hollywood-style zombie flick in prose format
Yep, that's exactly what I was going for!
brimstone press,
dead air,
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Tweet digest
- 12:01 Check out my interview with British sf writer Richard Morgan (The Steel Remains). Morgan is heading down under for Swancon is.gd/rjyd #
Sunday, April 05, 2009
Friday, April 03, 2009
Tweet digest
- 09:13 RT @wolfcat: new list of ABC Twitter accounts is now up for your enjoyment bit.ly/2Qvoe1 #
- 09:33 @Templesmith Pay it forward, Mr Templesmith. :) #
- 09:39 RT @abcnews: The High Court has rejected a challenge to the Fed Govt's $900 stimulus bonus bit.ly/CmqiA [show me the money!] #
Thursday, April 02, 2009
Tweet digest
- 08:43 @KingLeonard I guess. :( #
- 08:59 Rode to work today. Second dumbest thing I've ever done on the scooter. #
- 09:43 Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, the first 3 chapters is.gd/qbyn #
- 14:39 @JohnBirmingham You've finally succumbed! Necessary viewing: The Twouble With Twitters is.gd/nFe1 #
- 15:13 Can anyone recommend a tech analyst who could comment for @abcnews about CSIRO wifi legal battle? #
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
Tweet digest
- 09:18 Banks to blame for computer virus? is.gd/pXRs (Twittersourced oped! Thanks @awrd and @riskybusiness! #
- 09:34 @nic_macbean takes a look at great April 1 pranks for @abcnews: is.gd/pY18 #
- 10:12 RT @awrd: @garykemble A bigger thanks to @neerav who connected the dots! [Whoops! Sorry @neerav!] #
- 13:47 @KingLeonard You make me SICK. :) #
- 16:47 Got my One Book Many Brisbanes rejection letter today. :( didn't think I'd make the cut this yr but still, the confirmation is a downer. #
- 16:48 On the upside, got my Louis&Bill&Zoey&Francis tshirt today, which is truly awesome. #l4d #
- 16:49 Also, Australian Horror Writers Assoc mentor program starts today! Woohoo! #
- 19:58 @dgalea Thanks. I'll get over it. OBMB. I've got another market I'd like to sub the story to, so it's not a dead loss. #
- 19:58 @JoannaGaudry Thanks Joanna. #
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