Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Tweet digest

  • 08:48 @howlingeverett @antiadventures thanks for the ideas. I'll check them out. #
  • 09:06 @antiadventures yeah, i'm sort of just starting out. a hobby. i want to put my work out there but i'm not fussed about hosting it myself. #
  • 09:19 @antiadventures Cool. I'll definitely check it out. #
  • 10:24 RT @abcnews: Cassie White interviews #horror photographer Joshua Hoffine: <- love how he used to work for Hallmark! #
  • 12:47 @Stephanie_Gunn Sorry, sent those last two from @BlackOnline. I came into some cash so bought Mac, to use Scrivener. Very happy with it. #
  • 15:08 Just found out I'm coming to #sydney140! Woohoo! #ftw #
  • 19:27 RT @abcnews: ABC head of TV Kim Dalton is warning conservative viewers to avoid John Saffran's show Race Relations #
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